Somes Sound 12 1/2
Fall(?) weekend workshop

The idea of a Somes Sound weekend workshop for the latter parts of construction (after the hull) and finishing out has been suggested by quite a few people who have attended our Somes Sound workshops or WoodenBoat classes. We have a quite a few folks who would like to do this, but May or June has turned out to be too soon or too busy for most. We could do a workshop in the fall, on or after Columbus Day weekend (but before Thanksgiving.) For now, we'll leave the date open, the goal being to find a date that works well for those who would like to attend. Once we have a feel for what people would like, we'll pick a date and be able to supply info for registration, materials and costs, lodging, etc.
If you would like to attend, please let us know. if you'd be interested in any of the materials and supplies we've listed knowing that would be very helpful as well. Also, if you let us know your questions and ideas, we'll do our to include everyone’s interests.
Thanks! John and Ruth
Somes Sound 12 1/2 Getting Finished weekend workshop
When: Columbus Day weekend or shortly thereafter
Where: At our shop in West Brooklin, Maine.
How long: Arrive Friday afternoon; Saturday, workshop all day 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with dinner out as a group Saturday night; Sunday, 8:30 a.m. until early to mid-afternoon, ending in time for folks to get on the road before too late in the day.
How much: $225 for the workshop, plus any materials and supplies ordered. The workshop fee includes coffeebreak with fruit and baked goodies (both days) and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday’s lunch will be lighter, sandwiches and such, so that we can keep lunchtime a little shorter.
What: Some ideas for things we can cover
• Planning and order of operations for the later stages of construction
• Finishing out the interior, cabinetry, etc.: lots of process, tips, tricks
• Installing deck beams
• Installing coamings!!!! Hardest thing to do on the boat, bar none.
• Steaming the tiller: We could fire up the steambox to steam tillers participants bring
• Shaping, sculpting: designing, art, patterns, and other, including edges of coamings,
shaping the rails
• Carving, including for rudder and tiller
• Making hardware, including working with bronze flat and rod stock: choosing, marking,
drilling, cutting, shaping, etc.
• Installing hardware: tricks and tips
• Spars: discussion and demonstrations
• Centerboard and rudder; shaping foils, glassing: discussion and demonstration
• Other sailing parts, sail rig in general: rigging, sails, sail covers, etc.
• Finishing, prep to final coats (paint, varnish, oils, and “other”; choosing and mixing colors, etc.)
• Lead keel: final install, drilling, using rollers, moving
• Useful additions to your boat, including bilge pump: rigging bilge pump, battery,
wiring, connecters, hose, through-hull, preventing siphoning back, etc.
• Last details: From punch list to launching
• Trailer/trailering
And, of course, everyone's questions and experiences, what they've done, what they’d like to talk about, learn about, and try; new ideas, things that worked well as well as the things that didn’t and favorite OS/O@#$! moments.
We will not have a Somes Sound 12 1/2 in residence this year (unless someone would like to bring one that’s far enough along to travel, that would be fun . . . ) But, as you can see, there’s no shortage of things to talk about and work on during the workshop and plenty of things to do and look at in our shop, including many [many] patterns, John's Wonderful World of Jigs, etc.
Materials and supplies
If interest warrants, we could make the following materials available to workshop participants: bronze stock; bronze half-oval; bilge pump and related; decking cloth (Dynel); standing rigging; keels (a possibility)
Or... ???... is there something that will help your project along?